Chemistry Matters Inc. & Statvis Analytics Inc. Presentation Day

This event is INVITE ONLY; to attend in person or to view the webinar, please contact Dr. Court Sandau to request an invitation.  Space is limited.

With 80% of people being visual learners, the overall theme of the talks is very relevant: how to visualize your large amounts of data and use proper science and visuals to reduce liability.;

There are six 30 min presentations expected. Topics to be covered include:

  • Don’t be scared of science or data, it will set you free. How to use, visualize and communicate complex science to influence people by Court Sandau(Chemistry Matters Inc. and Statvis Analytics Inc.)
  • Saving money on small contaminated site projects, even small sites provide significant savings if you apply the right analysis, guidelines and visualizations by Paul Fuellbrandt (Statvis Analytics Inc.)
  • Keep your investigations on track with fundamental chemistry knowledge with a talk entitled: What surprises hide within your environmental data? by Chemistry Matters Personnel (Chemistry Matters Inc.)
  • The next dimension – using advanced analytical, getting more data to fingerprint contentious sites, by  Chemistry Matters Personnel (Chemistry Matters Inc.)
  • Data science is coming, are you ready for it?; Making sense and visualizations of your big data sets and the tools developed by Statvis, by Khalid Lemzouji (Statvis Analytics Inc.)
  • Significantly reducing liability and unnecessary remediation by identifying natural elevated salinity on your sites, by Lacey Harbicht (Chemistry Matters Inc.)

If you have a colleague that might be interested, please let us know so we can send them a personalized invitation to this invite only event.