Organize samples for the lab

6 Ideas to Make a Flawless Transfer of Chain of Custody to the Lab

Imagine This… You have just finished a very large field program.  You must have collected nearly 100 samples, all different matrices (water, soil, sediment, product samples), and multiple analyses are needed.  You have COCs (chain of custody forms) filled out for everything, and you are driving over to the laboratory…
Dr. Court Sandau presents at GeoVon 2016

5 Outlooks for Environmental Forensics – Part Five: Presenting Results with Powerful Visuals

As was discussed in part 4 of the outlooks for Environmental Forensics blog, communication of the result is the most important part of the environmental forensics investigation. The phrase, a picture is worth a thousand words has been used for over a hundred years regarding the notion that an image can provide quick clarity that would take many words to describe.