Nobody likes to talk about them but many of our current and future clients have them. The vaguely regulated surface casing vent fluid leaks. What to do about them? We have been working with our clients to provide support for monitoring, sampling and determining the sources of surface casing vent fluids (both gases and liquids). We have developed proprietary sampling and monitoring systems that allow us to collect representative samples which can then be analyzed for specific marker compounds and/or isotopes to allow source determination.
The combination of monitoring (rates of flows) combined with geochemical forensic analytical strategies is unparalleled in industry and provides our clients with the latest technology to determine sources of SCV flows so they can be fixed as part of routine well repair or for abandonment purposes.
- General gas composition interpretation
- Stable gas isotope interpretation (carbon dioxide, methane, ethane, propane, etc)
- Radiolabelled isotope interpretation (methane)
- Nobel gas interpretation
- Routine anion/cation analysis
- Extended metals analysis (dissolved/total)
- Stable isotopes on water
- Specialty isotopes on dissolved analyses
- Proprietary sampling technique for SCV flows
- Geoforensic analysis and interpretation
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