POPs, Earwax and environmental forensics?
Environmental forensics is the application of scientific methods used to identify the origin and timing of a contaminant release. Continuous passive collection of POPs over decades of time provides a timeline that can be used to date contaminant episodes and releases. Whale ear wax just happens to provide just that……
Environmental Forensics and the Alberta Oil Sands
The oil sands of Alberta are receiving a lot of interest internationally for the potential environmental impacts due to mining and SAGD (steam-assisted gravity drainage) extraction of this resource as well as for the debate around the Keystone XL pipeline. Even Robert Redford is latest to give his view (again,…
Is Google Good for Environmental Consulting?
Your gut answer to that question is yes, especially if you are old enough to have experience searching journals and science publications at the university library. In case you missed that opportunity it went something like this: searching information on monochromatic computer screens, printing search results on dot matrix printers,…